Beauty by Blume - Fishers, IN, Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift with Opus Colibri

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A female patient who underwent a Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift with Opus Colibri starting in winter 2023 at Beauty by Blume in Fishers, IN, reported an excellent outcome following the three treatments. Dr. Kristen Blume performed Opus Colibri, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance for the patient. The individual expressed satisfaction with the results, highlighting improved eyelid contour and a more youthful look. The patient's positive experience underscores the effectiveness of the nonsurgical eyelid lift in achieving desired aesthetic outcomes.

Opus Colibri



Opus Colibri

Opus Colibri is a revolutionary nonsurgical procedure gaining traction in the realm of cosmetic medicine. This innovative treatment specifically targets common eye concerns such as undereye bags and hooded eyes. Undereye bags and hooded eyes are prevalent issues that can affect one's overall facial appearance. In particular, hooded eyes, where excess skin droops over the eyelids, can contribute to a perpetually fatigued appearance. Opus Colibri utilizes advanced techniques to address these concerns non-invasively. By precisely targeting specific areas around the eyes, this treatment can help tighten loose skin, reduce puffiness, and rejuvenate the overall eye area. 

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